I thought I was using Larissa's baby bonnet pattern, but mine turned into a hat for a very pointy-headed young thing. I guess I sewed up too much of the crown? At this late date, I'm not sure what to do (it's for a niece; her shower is soon). I hope all my recent experiments don't turn out so alien.
My other big experiment is at work, where I've just officially become the online morning reporter. I help break news on our web site and I'm supposed to be this fun, quirky personality. The latter hasn't really happened, so I'm experimenting with ways to be fun online with this blog. That's why you'll see the new poll question (which all of two people have answered; the third is me answering from my home computer after answering at work). The next step may be "appearing" on the radio in the morning with news updates from the paper. It's either a stellar opportunity or a chance to make a fool of myself (the same holds true, I suppose, of giving the above bonnet).
Here's a couple of things I'm not quite ready to experiment with yet:
-- A lighted up bra.
-- Homemade vegan twinkies.
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